Friday, 8 October 2010

Updates and additional sources of information

The section on first-time registration on the Padron, below, has been updated to clarify the type of documents that have to be presented, given the imminent demise of the plastic photo-Residencia. There's now a new section, below - with a red headline - on how to avoid being 'purged' from the Censo Electoral.

Readers might also find the following of use:-

The Diputacion de Alicante's multi-lingual help page for EU nationals resident in the Province.

Their helpful guide to the Padron, the Censo Electoral and procedures for voting in Municipal elections. This is also available for download in .pdf. (Links are for the English-language versions, but downloads are available also in other major European languages; follow the links from the home page.)

Spanish legislation on the requirement for EU nationals to register with the National Police if staying in Spain for more than 90 days.